Heritage sites

Underground places, whether natural (caves, shafts, abysses) or man-made (old mine exploitation, abandoned quarry, tunnel, shelter, refuge, underground crypt, cellar, catacombs ...) exert a mixed attraction/repulsion feeling on the general public.
This very special heritage is often overlooked in territorial development projects (unless it is at the origin of it).

Modèle 3D d’un extrait d’un bout des carrières sous Paris

We are there to foster the integration of this generally unseen component in development projects.

We operate worldwide, in exploration phases, to inventory sites where little is known but with potential.

Examples of our work

  • Heritage inventory, geosites,
  • Research, cave exploration, sinkholes and man-made underground
  • Supporting scientific expedition, underground research
  • Assist archaeological excavations, feasibility, securing access
  • Surveying of wells, topography of galleries and tunnels ...
  • Identification of geological and anthropogenic structures
  • Personnal training in underground environment
  • Photography
  • 3D laser scanning
  • Communication, exhibition, virtual tours, augmented reality
La fontaine des Capucins
Nuage de 2millions de points. Le toit et une partie des parois ont été retirés
Plan en 3D de la carrière des capucins
vue de l’enveloppe extérieure des galeries. En haut à gauche, l’escalier moderne d’accès, en bas au centre, l’escalier en colimaçon. Sur la droite, les galeries avec les piliers à bras sous le boulevard du Port-Royal.
La salle de la fontaine des Capucins
nuage de 2 millions de points.
L’escalier en colimaçon
Vue découpée de l’escalier, et à droite, section de la galerie d’accès

These words might not pertain to your own project. Each underground site is unique, with its own constraints and objectives. Underground places is our passion, and we are experienced in it. Do contact us to answer your questions and find the right solution to your needs.

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