Exploration of karst cavities for karst hazard
Cave Surveying
We do cave surveying in natural networks (caves and chasms survey) or artificial (quarries, tunnels), difficult to access, or when a total station / theodolite is not suitable.
We work alone or in support of your team of surveyors if necessary, in difficult access areas or complex sites.
Underground topography can take a very long time, according to the difficulties of access and progression, the required accuracy, the desired level of detail and the end use. Depending on the conditions and the level of detail, we can survey between 200m and 2000m of underground galleries per day.
That is why we will define together the different element to establish for the quotation.
- Topography of underground places
- Surveying and mapping of caves, underground quarries
- Gallery and small diameter conduits
- Access guarding, rope descent on
- 2D / 3D surveying
- High resolution 3D scanning of caves for 3D modeling
- Underground positioning relative to the surface of caves (up to 300m deep with our electromagnetic radiolocation beacon)
- Mapping
- Landslides, pillars, arches
- Presence of water, sediment, fracturing
- Stratigraphic section
- Scanned data, rendering GIS, integration of georeferenced layers,
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