Topography and cave surveying

As part of an environmental impact study related to the opening of a dolomite quarry, NOT Engineers completed a topographic survey and mapping of the caves of Lastoursville (Gabon).
We also explored new caves that were in the exploitation permit to assess the vulnerability of the site. We produced a large photographic coverage for future development of the site, aongside the operation of the quarry.

This lead further on to the Lastoursville 2015 mission

Laser topography of a cave
This topography was done using a handheld laser tacheometer, allowing rapid 3D measurements of the cavity. The cave extends over one kilometre of passages and the big room on the left is 200m long and 40m large. 1450 points were measured for the survey.
NOT Engineers
Topographic overlay of the cave map on the surface terrain model
The digital terrain model (DTM) was made with airborne LIDAR has a centimetric precision. The iso-height lines on the map show are every 2 meters.
NOT Engineers
Final map of the cave
Map of the cave with main geomorphological features observed in the field.
NOT Engineers